NALS 2018 experience

Good day, everyone!
As promised, I will share my experience on my National Aspiration & Leadership Summit 2018 or NALS 2018 for short.
Alright so the NALS is actually a place for the youth exchanging ideas and giving thoughts on issues. We as the participants, will be hearing the thoughts and ideas from the youth who are experienced in the field. Okay let me help you to get a better understanding about this.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
There are numbers of cluster discussing current topics in Malaysia. Therefore, the participants are allowed to chose their own topic that they are interested in. This automatically makes them a part of that particular cluster. For example, I am interested in the topic of The Mainstream Media & You- Challenging Realities and this topic is Cluster G. Therefore I am in Cluster G, being the audience for this topic discussed by Suhaimi Sulaiman, the Editor-in-Chief and the Chief Executive Officer of the 24-hour news and information channel Astro AWANI, Che Puan Sarimah Ibrahim, the TV Host, Radio announcer, and actress with 20 years of experience an Ally Iskandar who is the TV host and TV producer.  After they are giving thought and opinions based on the questions asked by the moderator, there will be a Q&A session from the audience and audience are free to ask any of the speakers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Alright so basically they have a lot of topics discussed by the experts and experience individuals relating to the topic which is very good because we are seeing the issue from the perspective of people who are experienced in it. If you guys are curious about other clusters/topics head down to NALS facebook page  and scroll down to see the topics and respective speakers.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Anyway, my friend and I sneaked into cluster I that is discussing the topic of The Role of Youth in Local Economic Development. Not because I am interested with the topic but it was because of the speakers!!! It was Dato' Dr Hafsah Hashim, Caprice, and Redza Minhat! HAHA how am I can resist from sneaking into the hall of Cluster I 🙊 Got the chance to take a picture with Caprice and I feel like some sort of achievement when I spot myself in his video:') GO AND CHECK OUT HIS INSTAGRAM POST HERE!                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


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