Canva Virgin!

Hello lovely peeps!
Honestly, I have learned quite a lot of new things from this Internet Technology class. One of it is Canva! So what Canva can do for you? Everything related to creating and designing. From creating facebook cover photo to create your chocolate muffin recipe poster and even your birthday party invitation card! ALL IN ONE PLACE😎 Canva is way more simpler and easy to use compared to Adobe Photoshop. Fret not, for a canva virgin like me, it is very easy to be discovered.  Other than that, of course such software would have free and pro version, and trust me, the free version itself already has many cool feature to be used. All the fancy fonts, clean and sleek lines, cute and in-trend backgrounds and cool layouts that will help you to create a beautiful and amazing masterpiece!

So I breakthrough my Canva virginity by creating a poster for my Entrepreneur subject in which I will be selling chocolate cookies. Hit me up if you would like to place your orderπŸ˜‰

What do you guys think?πŸ™ˆ

Alright peeps, till we meet again! xoxo


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